Friday, August 16, 2013

Influencing Change

Peter Block (author of "Flawless Consulting") teaches that, as consultants, our primary objective is to influence our client to "do something differently", and not to do it for them as a surrogate manager. In my experience, that something varies by client, but typically results in a change to a business process, management method, or in the way technology is used in the business.

During discovery, it is tempting to create the return on investment analysis for the client. However, in doing so, we take on the role of a manager. Instead, our focus should be on influencing how to build the model and providing guidance on realistic expectations. Take the time to counsel your clients on which factors to consider, but insist that they create and own the analysis.

When clients begin to rediscover their customers, employees, and processes, there is a palpable difference in their mindset and approach to the business. This awakening helps put the consultant in a better position to influence the actions the client will take to fix the issues.
Copyright © 2013 | Howard Leary

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